7. The Power of Knowing it's OK to Fail... and the Consequences of Playing Small
Nov 29, 2023
I was reading a post on Instagram the other day that told a story of a professor writing the 9 times tables on the board and making a mistake on 9x1.
All of the kids started chuckling and then he explained that he did it on purpose to illustrate how everyone noticed the one error he made, but failed to recognize the other 9 equations he had gotten right.
But the truth is: making mistakes is part of learning and EVERYONE makes mistakes.
When I think about business, wanting to homeschool our kids, or live in another country, or leave our partner, or jump into a new relationship… our fear of failure can often force us to not try at all - and then we fail by default.
We stay small because if we put ourselves out there, in front of an audience, and we fall flat on our face, we expose ourselves to potential humiliation.
BUT we rarely look critically at the consequences of playing small or of staying stuck (by choice).