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33. Trina Baldwin: Losing Her Autistic Child to a Broken System and Finding Peace Afterwards

Jun 05, 2024
Trina Baldwin

Trina Baldwin has lived a very hard life - teen pregnancy, the loss of her fiancee, an abusive relationship, and raising a son with Autism (amongst other diagnoses).

In this episode, we focus on her experience raising a child on the spectrum as a single mom,  within a broken system - a system she turned to for help when her son became abusive and that eventually took him away from her.

Despite the heartbreaking story, Trina remains optimistic about life and shares how radical self-acceptance has given her peace.

The conversation is uplifting despite the topic, and I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed recording it.

A bit more about Trina:
Trina Baldwin is the mother of two sons aged 37 and 18, raising both primarily as a single mother and now in the Empty Nester stage of life. Her life has consisted of a rich tapestry of life experiences including adoption, teen pregnancy, the tragic loss of her fiancée, an abusive relationship and raising a son with special needs. None of that has stopped her experiencing life to the absolute fullest though. Engaging in-depth in her own personal/spiritual growth over many decades in a quest to live a fully expressed life of freedom and joy she now finds herself based in Bali and travelling regularly around the world. When there’s something she wishes to experience she never lets the statement “I can’t do that” come into mind, but always reverts to question “how can I do that” – and goes on to bring her dreams to life.

Connect with Trina here:

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