26. Belinda Hearn: The Link Between Being a “Strong Woman” & Postpartum Anxiety, and How to Recover
Apr 17, 2024
Your greatest weakness can become your greatest strength.
And sometimes, what you thought was your greatest strength can shatter you.
This is exactly what happened to Belinda Hearn after being sent into extreme anxiety after the birth of her second child. What appeared to be a disaster, turned out to be exactly what she needed to shed the "strong woman" persona she believed herself to be, to living a life guided by inner strength.
Belinda now specialises in Nervous System Regulation and personal transformation. Her unique blend of knowledge and practical guidance empowers individuals to find calmness, break through barriers, and transform their lives.
Believing that everyone has the potential for growth and healing, her mission is to provide the practical tools and support to make it happen.
Connect with Belinda here 👇
Website ---> www.embodiedlife.co
Instagram ---> @belinda.embodiedlife/
Facebook ---> https://www.facebook.com/belinda.embodiedlife